From soil to shipping, sustainable agriculture plays a part in every step of the produce supplier’s journey. Whether it’s monitoring growing practices or shipping to local stores, there are a number of mindful farming solutions that help us conserve water, give back to the land, and promote a greener future. Through organic farming techniques and…
With water use, pollution, and pesticides, a constant debate, it’s important to know where your food comes from. At Green Life Farms, our high standards and strict procedures ensure that your food is grown with the planet in mind. By proudly exceeding both national and international standards, our growing practices are some of the best…
Fresh produce is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Food security and reliability are important for making sure our communities have access to delicious, well-sourced, quality ingredients. The best way to make sure your business continues to provide such premier fruits and vegetables is by securing the right produce supplier. When you have the…
Our asparagus is harvested when the stems with buds reach 9 inches in length. They are then packed in varying quantities in ventilated, pyramid-shapedboxes containing soaked pads underneath to maintain proper humidity. The boxes are then hydro-cooled, then stored in our cooler until they are loaded and shipped.
Fresh asparagus have dark green and purple varieties. They are firm, tightly closed tips. Stalks are straight, tender and glossy in appearance.
0°-2°C (32°-35.6°F). The storage life of asparagus is typically 14-21 days at 2°C, and can be extended up to 31 days by 7-10 days storage at 0°C, along with atmospheric modification. Extended storage (10-12 days in air at 0°C may cause chilling injury.)
Asparagus is packed full of anti-oxidants and glutathione (for healthy cell production inthe body.) It is a great source of vitamins A,C,E, K and folate. Asparagus is high in fiber and low in calories. It is considered to be an anti-aging vegetable due to its high anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Our beets are carefully tied and bunched at full-length, or partially removed to no less than 6 inches. Beets with short-trimmed tops show leaf stems to no more than 4 inches in length. Beets with tops completely removed are cut at no more than one-half inch in length.
Our beets are well trimmed, firm, fairly smooth, well shaped and clean. Bunched beets or beets with short trimmed tops are fresh and free from decay. All of our beets are free from soft-rot, and/or damage caused by cuts, freezing, growth cracks, disease, rodents, insects, mechanical mishaps or other means.
Beets are held at 0°C (32°F) and 98 to 100% relative humidity remain fresh and flavorful up to four weeks. Thermal packaging, icing and perforated polyethylene film liners are used to maintain quality and freshness. The storage life of beets at 10°C (50°F) is 7-10 days.
Beets are rich in essential minerals like iron and potassium (essential for strong blood, as well as healthy nerve and muscle function); along with manganese (which is good for your bones, liver, kidneys, and pancreas). Beets also contain immune-boosting vitamin C, along with the B vitamin folate, which helps reduce the risk of birth defects.
Broccoli crowns and China-cut crowns and florets are bundled in packs of 14 and 18. They are packed immediately in the fields using our state-of-the-art harvesting machines, then transported to our packing sheds to be vacuum-cooled (or iced), depending upon our customer’s preference.
High quality broccoli should have dark or bright green closed florets. Broccoli heads should be compact, with cleanly cut stalks of the required length. There should be no yellow florets or discoloration on the stems.
Low temperature is extremely important to achieve an adequate shelf-life for broccoli. A temperature of 0° is required to optimize a storage life between 21-28 days. Broccoli heads stored at 5° can have a storage life up to 14 days, while stored at 10° will have a storage life up to 14 days.
Broccoli is also a good source of dietary fiber, and is rich in minerals such as magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, phosphorus copper, choline, iron, niacin and selenium. Broccoli is also high in vitamins A (carotenoids), B1, B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, and E. Broccoli also supplies a healthy dose of calcium for healthy bones, protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
Celery is washed and packed immediately the field using our custom stainless-steel equipment. Due to customer demand, we harvest and pack our celery stalks (or hearts) in numbers of 24, 30 or 36. They are then transferred to our packing sheds where they are cooled and stored in our vacuum cooler, then stored in our standard cooling room until the products are loaded and shipped.
Our celery is well formed with straight, clean stalks of a medium-to-dark green color, along with a fresh, crisp consistency. We eliminate any celery that is dehydrated, or presents a blackened heart, brown stem or soft-rot. Signs of freeze-damage, growth cracks, horizontal cracks, pithy branches, seed stems, suckers, wilting, blight, insects, disease or mechanical damage are swiftly rejected.
Optimum conditions for celery involves pre-cooling the stalks (or hearts) in our vacuum cooler, then storing in our cool room at 0°-2°C to maintain the ideal temperature until our client receives the product. This insures that our celery sustains optimum quality for 5 to 7 weeks.
Celery is rich in potassium for fluid muscles, and dietary fiber for detoxification and bowel regularity. It is a good source of vitamins A (carotenoids), B2, B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 and C. It contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and copper. It is also an excellent source of vitamin K (for strong blood), and molybdenum (which breaks down certain amino acids in the body.)
Because of the delicate nature of cilantro, we pay extra attention to details. Our cilantro is packed in the field using clean, custom stainless-steel equipment. Every field worker wears gloves and maintains strict harvesting practices according to our food safety rules. We are also fully equipped to accommodate custom packing requests, handled in our packing shed.
Once the cilantro has been packed in the field or packing shed, the products is iced on our ice injector which reduces the temperature, the preserved in our specialized ice box for sustaining optimum conditions to extend shelf life. Our cilantro is fresh and green, free of yellowing leaves, decay, insect infestation or mechanical damage. Leaves are uniform in size. Flavor and aroma are strong and characteristic of cilantro.
Cilantro’s deep-green leaves contain healthy amounts of anti-oxidants for healthy cell production. It is rich in chlorophyll, essential oils and dietary fiber for detoxifying the blood and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Cilantro is extremely low in saturated fat and calories. It is a good source of vitamins A, C, E, and K, along with calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium.
Our onions are sized according to USDA standards. When our onions are at the right stage of size and maturity, we harvest and undercut the bulbs and let them dry in the fields until 5-8% of the weight is moderated. We then harvest and transport our crops to our dedicated packing shed where they are sorted and bagged, using our automated packing process.
We select and pack mature, properly firmed and well-shaped onions. We eliminate doubles and bottlenecks. They are free from sprouting, decay, wet sun-scaling, dry sunken areas, and other damage caused by seed-stems, splits, sunburn, staining, dirt mechanical damage or disease and insect-caused defects.
Optimum temperatures for field curing are temperatures of at least 24°C degrees (75°F), or exposure for 12 hours up to 30 to 45°C (86 to 113°F) for forced air-curing. Mild onion storage lasts up to .5 to 1 month at 0°C (32°F). Pungent onions last from 6 to 9 months at 0°C (32°F).
Onions are high in vitamin C and folic acid and minerals calcium and iron. They are a good source of protein, amino acids and dietary fiber. Onions also contain quercetin (a flavonoid, antioxidant compound which helps prevent cell damage). They are low in sodium and contain no fat.
Our green beans are harvested at the peak moment as they are rapidly growing and developing. They are harvested when the fruit is bright green, the pod is fleshy and seeds are small and green.
Beans are tender but firm, well-formed and straight, bright in color with a fresh appearance. They should snap easily when bent. Broken leaves, stems, beans and blossom remains, along with insect damage are rejected during the harvesting process.
Optimum temperature for green beans is 5-7.5°C (41-45°F). Relative humidity is 95-100%. Very good quality can be maintained at temperatures below 5°C after 7-8 days. A shelf-life of 8-12 days is expected with temperatures at 5-7.5°C (41-45°F).
Green beans are a great source of protein, vitamins A, B6 and C and K, along with folate, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and copper. Green beans are low in sodium, very low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and high in dietary fiber.
Our green onion crops are harvested according to the mean diameter of the base plate of the immature bulb. This diameter is between .6 and 1.3 cm (1/4 to ½ inch) which also defines the size that it will go on small, medium or large. We cut the roots in the fields to ¼ to ½ inch in length, and trim the green onion stalks to a length of 11 inches. The crops are then transferred to our packing shed, where they are washed and carefully packed.
Our green onions have a thin shank of at least 5 to 7.5 cm (2-3 inches) in length, They are well formed, uniform in shape, thin necked, turgid and bright in color. They are well-cleaned, free of broken or crushed leaves and dehydrated clipped ends, and free from excessive roots, decay, insect-injury, mechanical damage.
Green onions held at 0°C (32°F) and a 98 to 100% relative humidity will remain fresh and flavorful for up to 4 weeks. Packaged icing and perforated polyethylene film liners are used to maintain quality. The storage life of green onions at 10°C (50°F) is 7 to 10 days. Green onions benefit from light misting.
Green onions are very low in saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium and dietary fiber. They offer a good source of vitamins A, B6, C, and K, along with copper, thiamin, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, riboflavin, calcium, iron, potassium and manganese.
Our Kale is carefully packed in the field while maintaining strict food safety standards. Every leaf we pack is well-trimmed to no more than ¾” from the outer leaves. For specialized orders, we have full packing capabilities in our storage shed.
Our kale consists of one variety (which varieties – do you include Tuscan kale?) which is well-trimmed, and free from decay, discoloration, wilting and damage cause by seed-stems, bud burn, freezing, dirt, diseases, insect infestation or mechanical destruction.
Our Kale is carefully stored at 0°C (32°F) with 98 to 100% RH. Storage at -1°C (31.1°F) may cause freezing, while storage at 1°C (33.8°F) may promote senescence-related storage losses, especially if held in long-term storage. High RH minimizes decay; lighting in storage reduces physiological disorders, specifically leaf yellowing, and weight loss.
Kale is known to be an excellent source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, folate, and notably, vitamin K (for strong blood.) It is also rich in calcium, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, omega-3 fats and protein.
All of our leeks are firm and smooth, free of blemishes, and have characteristic white stems with dark green leaves. The cut bottoms are flat, as rounded bottoms may indicate prolonged storage and cut at the appropriate length. We pack and wash them in our packing shed to reduce dirt damage and assure a clean product.
Leeks are pre-cooled in our hydro cooler. After being washed and packed in a carton or RPC box, the product is topped off with crushed ice. This helps maintain optimum temperature conditions for extending its post-harvest life. Leeks are trimmed so that only a 30.5 cm (12 in) portion of the green top remains. Upon client request, leeks can be bunched in groups of 3 (depending on diameter), and placed in polyethylene film bags to prevent moisture loss.
Leeks can be stored for 2 to 3 months at °C (3°F), with 95 to 100% RH. High RH is essential to prevent wilting. Good refrigeration retards elongation and curvature that develops in leeks at 10 to 2°C (50 to 7°F). Leeks held in polyethylene lined crates remain saleable for 5 to 6 weeks at °C (32°F), and under crushed ice: 4 weeks at °C.
Leeks are an excellent source of vitamin K. They offer a good source of vitamins A (carotenoids), B6, C and E, along with folate, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, dietary fiber, magnesium, vitamin E, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids.
Depending upon client preference, offer plain and curly parsley. We generally harvest parsley after 70 to 90 days of planting. Due to the delicate nature of parsley, our harvesters and packers abide by strict food safety procedures that keenly distinguishes the quality of our product.
After being packed in the fields, our parsley is cooled and iced in a temperature-controlled ice injector which removes heat that was generated from the field. Our products maintain variety consistency, never mixing curly with plain. You’ll find a rich, green color, which is free from decay or any kind of damage, defects or seed stems.
Optimal storage conditions are 0°C (32°F) with 95 to 100% relative humidity. With these conditions, parsley can last up to 1 or 2 months, compared to only 3 days at 18 to 20°C (64 to 68°F). The end-point of storage takes place when parsley wilts, at around 20% of weight loss.
Parsley’s deep green leafs are rich in chlorophyll (good for the blood), and is high in vitamins A, B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, C, E and K, along with folate, calcium, copper, iron, niacin, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin, thiamin and zinc. Parsley offers a very good source of dietary fiber and protein.
We bunch and pack our radishes in cartons, top them with ice and pack them with polyethylene bags of different sizes. Radish harvesting is dependent upon the days of post-seeding which may vary from 30 to 60 days. We offer both mild flavor and crisp radishes with a minimum size of 5/8 Inches.
Red radishes are well-formed, smooth-skinned, firm but of tender texture and uniform in shape per variety. Bunched radish tops are fresh in appearance and turgid. They are free of freeze-injury, seed-stalking, yellowing or other forms of discoloration, disease, decay and insect infestation, as well as growth and/or harvest damage.
The optimum temperature for radishes is 0°C (32°F), and a relative humidity of 95 to 100%. Rapid cooling is essential to achieve the full storage potential for bunched and topped roots. Radishes can also be packed and topped with ice, which allows for an acceptably maintained quality for 7 to 14 days with tops, and 21 to 28 days with tops removed.
Radishes offer a healthy dose of dietary fiber, along with vitamin C for building immunity and fighting free radicals. They also contain vitamin B6, along with folate, riboflavin, and potassium, as well as good amounts of copper, magnesium, manganese, and calcium. Radishes can also regulate blood pressure, relieve congestion, and respiratory ailments. They are antibacterial, antifungal, and detoxifying.
Broccoli crowns and China-cut crowns and florets are bundled in packs of 14 and 18. They are packed immediately in the fields using our state-of-the-art harvesting machines, then transported to our packing sheds to be vacuum-cooled (or iced), depending upon our customer’s preference.
High quality broccoli should have dark or bright green closed florets. Broccoli heads should be compact, with cleanly cut stalks of the required length. There should be no yellow florets or discoloration on the stems.
Low temperature is extremely important to achieve an adequate shelf-life for broccoli. A temperature of 0° is required to optimize a storage life between 21-28 days. Broccoli heads stored at 5° can have a storage life up to 14 days, while stored at 10° will have a storage life up to 14 days.
Broccoli is also a good source of dietary fiber, and is rich in minerals such as magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, phosphorus copper, choline, iron, niacin and selenium. Broccoli is also high in vitamins A (carotenoids), B1, B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, and E. Broccoli also supplies a healthy dose of calcium for healthy bones, protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
Our asparagus is harvested when the stems with buds reach 9 inches in length. They are then packed in varying quantities in ventilated, pyramid-shapedboxes containing soaked pads underneath to maintain proper humidity. The boxes are then hydro-cooled, then stored in our cooler until they are loaded and shipped.
Fresh asparagus have dark green and purple varieties. They are firm, tightly closed tips. Stalks are straight, tender and glossy in appearance.
0°-2°C (32°-35.6°F). The storage life of asparagus is typically 14-21 days at 2°C, and can be extended up to 31 days by 7-10 days storage at 0°C, along with atmospheric modification. Extended storage (10-12 days in air at 0°C may cause chilling injury.)
Asparagus is packed full of anti-oxidants and glutathione (for healthy cell production inthe body.) It is a great source of vitamins A,C,E, K and folate. Asparagus is high in fiber and low in calories. It is considered to be an anti-aging vegetable due to its high anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Our Kale is carefully packed in the field while maintaining strict food safety standards. Every leaf we pack is well-trimmed to no more than ¾” from the outer leaves. For specialized orders, we have full packing capabilities in our storage shed.
Our kale is well-trimmed, and free from decay, discoloration, wilting and damage cause by seed-stems, bud burn, freezing, dirt, diseases, insect infestation or mechanical destruction.
Our Kale is carefully stored at 0°C (32°F) with 98 to 100% RH. Storage at -1°C (31.1°F) may cause freezing, while storage at 1°C (33.8°F) may promote senescence-related storage losses, especially if held in long-term storage. High RH minimizes decay; lighting in storage reduces physiological disorders, specifically leaf yellowing, and weight loss.
Kale is known to be an excellent source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, folate, and notably, vitamin K (for strong blood.) It is also rich in calcium, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, omega-3 fats and protein.
Green Life Farms
42660 Aegean St.
Indio Ca 92203
Phone: 760-779-8800
Fax: 760-779-8801