Dry Onion, Red

Our onions are sized according to USDA standards. When our onions are at the right stage of size and maturity, we harvest and undercut the bulbs and let them dry in the fields until 5-8% of the weight is moderated. We then harvest and transport our crops to our dedicated packing shed where they are sorted and bagged, using our automated packing process.

Dry Onion, Red


We select and pack mature, properly firmed and well-shaped onions. We eliminate doubles and bottlenecks. They are free from sprouting, decay, wet sun-scaling, dry sunken areas, and other damage caused by seed-stems, splits, sunburn, staining, dirt mechanical damage or disease and insect-caused defects.


Optimum temperatures for field curing are temperatures of at least 24°C degrees (75°F), or exposure for 12 hours up to 30 to 45°C (86 to 113°F) for forced air-curing. Mild onion storage lasts up to .5 to 1 month at 0°C (32°F). Pungent onions last from 6 to 9 months at 0°C (32°F).


Onions are high in vitamin C and folic acid and minerals calcium and iron. They are a good source of protein, amino acids and dietary fiber. Onions also contain quercetin (a flavonoid, antioxidant compound which helps prevent cell damage). They are low in sodium and contain no fat.

Get In Touch

Green Life Farms
42660 Aegean St.
Indio Ca 92203

Phone: 760-779-8800
Fax: 760-779-8801
Email: sales@greenlifefarms.com

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